
Chinese Medication For Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited kidney disorder that enlarges the kidneys and interferes with their function because of multiple cysts on the kidneys.
The objective of this treatment is to improve all sysmptoms, prevent and treat later complications, correct imbalance, adjust the immune system and most importantly to boost energy and strong body for better health and quality of life. The purpose of this treatment is not to replace necessary orthodox medical treatment. A combination of both is recommended.
We recommend a herbal combination consisting of the following herbs and possibly others depending on the particular case. All these herbs are proven to be effective.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can play four effects in treating Polycystic Kidney Diseases: enlarging blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation and degradation.
First, enlarging blood vessels. Micro-Chinese medicine can expand renal artery at all levels, improve local microcirculation, increase effective renal perfusion, improve the condition of renal hypoxia, increase the local metabolism and accelerate the repair of damaged inherent kidney cells. What’s more, Chinese medicine can expand the blood vessels around the cyst wall, speed up its blood circulation and promote wall permeability. As a result, it can decrease the pressure of blood vessels on the cyst wall so that the fluid of the cyst will be absorbed by the blood. In this way, the cyst will shrink gradually.
Second, anti-inflammation. The active ingredients of Chinese medicine has the effects of anti-inflammation.
Third, Chinese medicine has the effects of anticoagulation. Damaged kidney inherent cells will activate the clotting mechanism of the body, leading to thrombosis. Chinese medicine can prevent it from forming.
Fourth, degradation. The active ingredients of Chinese medicine has the effects of degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM) accumulating on the kidney so that they will make room for kidney inherent cells and kidney units. And it also can expel the immune complex, metabolites and diseased tissues out of the body.

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